
Sunday School

Feb 16 2025 09:30 AM


NorthLife Kids S.T.A.R.S.

NorthLife Kids S.T.A.R.S.

WE are God's Greatest Creation; God Created us exactly how he wanted us to be. No matter what anyone says, we are who we are supposed to be, and God created us the way He did for a specific reason. We are here for His Glory, and He shines His light through us.

I AM a Great Creation. I AM a Masterpiece. I AM very Good.

S.T.A.R.S, our children’s Sunday school is broken into 5 classes which start at 9:30 and go to10:20 every Sunday morning. Please sign your children in at the children’s ministry desk and escort your children to their class. Children will not be released from their class until a parent comes to collect them. Please be respectful of our Sunday School Teacher’s time.

Our classes are:


Sunday School - Sunshine

Sunday School - Tides

Sunday School - Aurora

Sunday School - Rainbow

Sunday School - Super Nova

Once again we will be continuing with the Discipleland curriculum in these classes. Children will have a memory verse to learn each week and receive take-home sheets with review of the lesson shared that day.


Why DiscipleLand curriculum? DiscipleLand is the only Curriculum with three major foundations: The Gospel of Christ, The Great Commission, and love for one another as Jesus loves us. Discipleship begins with our children. We want to join with you the parents in growing Christ-like children who love God and His Word.

Know God intimately!

Children learn to hold God's Word in their hearts through the memorization of Bible verses.

Love God passionately!

Children are encouraged to display Christ-like character in every area of life.

Serve God selflessly!

Children grow to demonstrate faithful conduct that honours God and helps people.